Carefronting organogram has a seven (7) member Board headed by a chair. The board serves in advisory position with particular regards to policy matters. An executive committee made up of operational office staff in charge of the day-to-day administration includes the Coordinator, Program Manager, Project Officers, Administrative and Account Officers. Other executive members volunteer their time and experience.
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Tessy Gusim
Tessy, a recipient of the Winston Fellowship of the Eastern Mennonite University, Harrisonburg, Virginia, USA comes with over a decade experience in development work with a master’s degree in International Affairs and Strategic Studies. Prior to joining the Civil Society Sector she worked in the media and then banking industry where she resigned as a Branch Manager. For over the last ten years Tessy has been involved in inter faith dialogue particularly working with women, children and young adults girls on peaceful coexistence, conflict resolutions, trauma consciousness and social cohesion. She is a STAR practitioner having obtained certification from the Eastern Mennonite University, Harrisonburg, Virginia, USA. She has also certificates in peace building Formation and Faith based peace building from the same university. She also has certification in E-CPR (Emotional CPR) and PSEA( prevention of Sexual Abuse and Exploitation). She is the host of "The Healing Hub", a live phone in radio programme on Trauma Counselling. She is the Acting Coordinator

Grazyna Bonati
Grazyna was born in the UK of Polish-Italian parents, studied at Manchester University (B.Sc.) and the Institute of Education, London (M.A (Educ.) and have always been interested in international work and relations. She has been working in international development for over 25 years, particularly in training people who work with children to involve them in community development, in many areas of the world. Simultaneously, She has been an AVP facilitator for over 25 years, facilitating workshops in UK, Uganda, Jordan, Nigeria, Liberia, Haiti and Togo, and helped established AVP in France. She belongs to the AVP International Education Committee and the Translations Oversight Group, which is trying to make AVP manuals available in as many languages as would be useful. She has also co-authored many modules on Peace and Reconciliation. She worked with Damietta Peace Initiative on some projects and is working with Carefronting in the areas of peace building, social cohesion and trauma consciousness.

Beji Benjamin Jibe
Beji Benjamin Jibe has over 15 years’ experience in facilitating Peace Building Programmes in Nigeria and Ghana, South Africa and Tanzania. He is an Alternative to Violence Project (AVP) facilitator, Gender Equality advocate, lay counsellor, and recently has been facilitating Child Safeguarding training in the North-Eastern States of Nigeria and Plateau State. He has vast experience in Training programme design and development, Designing and lobbying and advocacy, Project Management, Volunteer Management, Capacity Building, Trauma Conscious and Resilience, Preventing/ Countering Violent Extremism. Beji has a Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Political Science, Diploma in Law,Diploma in Development Education: Training for Transformation from the Kimmage Development Study Centre in Ireland and the South- African based Training for Transformation Programme and is a member of several committees on Peace building and SGBV.

Mary Kathryn Amel
1985-1988 Studied and received Conflict Resolution Certificate from PROJECT C.R.E.A.T.E. In St Paul Minnesota, an offshoot of Educators for Social Responsibility. 1989- Studied and received Certificate for Mediator in Divorce and Child Custody work through the Lawyers for Mediation Assn. 1989-1995 Co-facilitator of the Parent/Teacher Organization for EXPO Elementary School. Assisted in creating a Conflict Resolution for students. 1994-1999 Work as a Team member in PROJECT C.R.E.A.T.E for working Teachers and Faculty Members in building communities for Educators in the St. Paul Minnesota Schools. 1999-2006 Developed Workshops for Teachers to use with students in creating their own Conflict Resolution in school. 2008-2016 Facilitator for Alternatives to Violence in the Minnesota in several of the State prisons. 2010- Trained in Alternatives to Violence in Trauma Healing Workshops in Guatemala. 2011-2015 Co-facilitated Trauma workshops in California, Minnesota and New Mexico. 2012- Invited to Nigeria through “CARE-FRONTING” for community workshops through Alternatives to Violence. 2014- Invited to Nepal for facilitating community workshops in Kathmandu and Pokhara. Co-Facilitated with 64 other AVP facilitators for a Charter School in Philadelphia, PA. Student population from 9th-12th Grade. 2015- till date Continue facilitating AVP workshops in Minnesota prisons and in Nigeria through her work with Carefronting.

Barde Daiyabu Yusuf.
Barde has a B.Sc in Geography, started his peace building Work as a community mobilizer, working with youths in his community to encourage peaceful coexistence and as an early warning team member. He is a trained AVP facilitator And has worked across several states on various projects on Peace building and social Cohesion, strategic Communication, trauma consciousness, PFA (Psychosocial First Aid) peace and reconciliation. He is also a researcher in the area of peace, education, health, community and social cohesion. He has facilitated TCR trainings in Rwanda, Kenya and many more within the shores of Nigeria.

Amina Mohammed Zannah
Amina Mohammed Zannah. was born in Maiduguri, studied Islamic Studies at the University of Maiduguri. Amina has a strong disposition towards media and that is where her experience and strength lies. She worked with Radio for peace building in 2015 and later joined Dandal Kura Radio International working on programs focusing on conflict prevention and peace building to promote integration in resilient communities. She trained in Alternatives to violence, Preventing and Transforming Violent Extremism, Strategic Communication, and Trauma Consciousness and Resilience and was in the team that worked on the Carefronting partnership project in Kenya.

Kate Deldak Lawrence
Kate holds a B.A degree in English and has over twenty years experience as an AVP facilitator, having gone through all the levels of the AVP module and refresher courses. She participated in the British Council Inter Action, Trust the Difference Project in Abuja and the UK. She is also a facilitator for Trauma consciousness and resilience as well as Preventing and Countering Violence Extremism(PCVE) She is also a HROC (Healing and Rebuilding Our Communities) facilitator, trained and interned in Rwanda. She was part of the team that worked in Kenya on the Carefronting Partnership with KECOSCE, (Kenya Community Support Centre). She has facilitated over 150 workshops in AVP, Peacebuilding, PFA and Trauma Resiliency.

Gideon Chabba
Gideon holds a degree in Zoology and five years experience as a Youth Mobilizer and Social Media Influencer Gideon is vast in areas of peace building, conflict Resolution and building resilience. He is certified by the United States institute of peace in Conflict Analysis and Peace building. With a wide range of training certification on strategic communication and organization development